Meredith Monk has always been unique. She writes music, dances, creates performances and plays the piano, but above all she is a singer. Rather than singing songs to a text, she plays with the endless possibilities of the voice. She inspired singers all over the world to go in search of their own sounds.
Zonzo Compagnie made its name with performances inspired by famous composers such as John Cage, Bach, Miles Davis and Purcell, and now - for the first time - adds a contemporary and female composer to that list. Once Meredith Monk made a performance for Zonzo Compagnie, now Zonzo Compagnie is making a performance about her.
In Hey Meredith!, singer Naomi Beeldens, trombonist Nabou Claerhout, pianist Anthe Huybrechts, director Ine Van Baelen and videomaker Stijn Grupping explore an oeuvre of almost 60 years, following the voice of Meredith Monk.
vocals & dramaturgy Naomi Beeldens
trombone & vocals Loes Minnebo // Nabou Claerhout
pianist & vocals Anthe Huybrechts
compositions Meredith Monk
arrangements Karel Stulens
direction, video & scenography Ine Van Baelen & Stijn Grupping
choreography Inga Huld Hárkonadóttir
costumes Sabrina Transiskus
light & technical design Wim Bernaers
A production by Zonzo Compagnie in coproduction with STUK & Perpodium. Supported by DE SINGEL & the taxshelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest.