With Hip Hub, you step into a virtual space and become the percussionist. Opposite you, Congolese singer Junior Akwety appears. Not the real one, but his avatar who transforms your movements into music. First he teaches you his moves until you start dancing together and your movements determine the groove.
Your dance becomes the rhythm, your moves are the beginning of a new song created between you and Junior. Welcome to Hip Hub, our interactive musical dance installation.
music and performance Junior Akwety
electronics and audio Jeroen Malaise
studio recording Jo Thielemans
digital development studio.POC
concept and coordination Kristof Timmerman
virtual production Florian Stigter Van Thillo and Lowie Spriet
recording mocap and photogrammetry Immersive Lab (AP Hogeschool)
A project of Zonzo Compagnie and studio.POC
with the support from