More info about BIG BANG Lille

BIG BANG Lille 2015

Saturday 14 - Sunday 15
Feb 2015

Festive days, accessible to children and parents alike, the BIG BANG Happy Children's Day treats us to crazy, poetic and interactive offerings!

We will discover an interactive generator of bizarre sounds with a "comic strip" spirit, the funny noise machines from 1913 variegated with heterogeneous sound objects, graphic scores which choreograph the audience: it is the Ictus ensemble which strikes again, with their “Ballet Mekanique”. Zonzo Compagnie is preparing a show where the leading role goes to two small toy trains which frolic in the twists and turns of a spectacular railway installation. Joana Sà, a Portuguese pianist, is putting on a concert/show for prepared piano, while Séte Lagrimas, also a Portuguese group, will be offering a concert of Italian Tarantellas. The Loges Musicales will this time take us on a journey in the footsteps of the composer Luciano Berio. And, for young and old, the permanent installations – whistling birds, an interactive musical “pinball machine”, and a sprawling “Pianoscopio”, a real sound sculpture around and in the piano, to be experienced, inhabited and made to sound in a great collective sound celebration – a surprising experience to rediscover the unsuspected riches of the piano.

Recommended age 5-14 years / free entry / last entry 30 minutes before closing.
Full program available 1 month in advance.